Online Repository of Documents and Tools

Over more than twenty-five years of program implementation Action for Enterprise (AFE) has developed a multitude of tools and methodologies for use by facilitators of Value Chain/Market System (VC/MS) development programs. In order to advance the state of the practice and make these tools available to practitioners AFE has created a repository of these documents that is free and open to the public.

The documents in this repository are organized into six sections:
  1. Value Chain/Market System Assessments
  2. Solicitation and Review of LF Applications
  3. Agreements with Lead Firms
  4. Capacity Building of LFs for Implementation of Their Initiatives
  5. Monitoring of Lead Firm Agreements
  6. Additional AFE Publications

These sections follow the steps for designing and implementing VC/MS development programs. Each section is preceded by an introduction and documents are accompanied by an explanation of their use.

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