Time: 3 hours 15 minutes
Steps TimeMaterials
Step 1: Ice-Break
After having greeted the participants, the facilitator asks them to: a) interview the person next to them (someone they don’t know) in order to find out their name, profession, professional activities, and something unique about their experiences, and: 2) present the participant they interviewed to the rest of the group.
15mn Put the key points of the interview on flip chart.
Step 2: Program
The facilitator presents the program to participants indicating the major points in the day.
5mn Flip chart on the wall.
Step 3: Context of the workshop
A representative of the team makes a short presentation to situate the workshop within the Program strategy. 
5mn PP presentation that outlines the activity
Step 4: Presentation of goals 
The facilitator describes the work done by the field team up to present (number of interviews, type of people interviewed, etc.)
He/she then presents the goals of the FGD:
  1. Participants will validate information collected related to the supply and demand of [name of solution] in the [name of subsector] subsector
  2. Participants will propose initiatives that will address constraints to provision and use of [name of solution].
5mn PP or flipchart
Step 5: Discussions of targeted business solution: 

1) Validation of proposed market solution and related subsector constraint
The facilitator presents a description of the [name of solution] and the subsector constraints that the solution addresses. He/she asks participants to validate. 

2) Validation of constraints to provision of the business solution
The facilitator presents the first solution constraint and asks participants to validate. 

3) Parameters for the formulation of interventions
After validating this information of the first constraint the facilitator explains the goal now is to identify interventions (that might be promoted by Program) that can address the constraints to the provision and use of [name of solution]. 

He/she explains that any intervention that is proposed must conform with the following parameters (he/she reads from flip chart prepared in advance). Parameters:
  • proposed initiatives must be realistic and feasible
  • there must be partnership with the private sector actors in carrying out the intervention
  • example (cost share visit of equipment supplier to trade fair in Germany / development of practical training modules for technical training institution / cost share of technical expert to train staff of equipment suppliers / development of business plan and linkage to financial institutions to facilitate import of new machinery)

4) Formulation of program interventions (what they and the Program could do to contribute to the alleviation of the constraint).
The facilitator leads a discussion to:

  1. identify an appropriate solution;
  2. identify appropriate interventions (many of which can be facilitated by Program) that will contribute to this solution.

While the facilitator is managing the discussion, the co-facilitators try to formulate the wording of interventions taking into account what they hear from the participants. Once the intervention is formulated, they present it to the participants for validation and then note it on flip chart. 

The facilitator continues this way, one constraint at a time.

2h30 PP (or flip chart) presentations of:
  • subsector constraint
  • proposed business solution
  • constraints to business solution




Flip chart

Step 6: 
The facilitator reviews the proposed interventions, and explains that after the FGD the Program will review the proposed interventions and determine the best manner that it can intervene to promote [name of solution]. We will count on your continued support and will do everything possible to help make some of these suggestions a reality. 

He/she reviews the goals of the workshop and then thanks everyone for their participation.
15mn Present on powerpoint
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